Protecting children from exposure to lead is important to their lifelong health.  

Improving Kids Environment has grants available to help you make your home lead safe at no cost to you. The program is open to qualified homeowners, rental occupants, and rental property owners and provides free lead testing and lead hazard control, including some health and safety measures. There is no cost to homeowners or renters under the LHSI grant, though renters must have approval from property owners to move forward with abatement work.   

Learn more about lead and its impacts on children by visiting the IKE Lead Poisoning Prevention page. 

Lead and Health Services Initiative Grant Eligibility

To qualify for funding from the Lead Abatement program, all the following criteria must be met: 

  • Home or two-family rental unit built prior to 1978 
  • Individual(s) age 18 or under OR pregnant female lives at or frequently visits your home and is eligible for or enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP  
  • Property taxes are current  
  • Proof that a child occupant age 6 and under has an elevated blood lead level 

Download the Lead Abatement Application:

Healthy Homes Resource Program (HHRP)

Environmental hazards in the home can negatively affect the health and safety of everyone who lives there, especially children.  Identifying, preventing, and addressing these issues can help ensure that all residents have access to clean, safe, and healthy homes in which to grow and thrive.

If any of these hazards apply to your home, you may be eligible for assistance through the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority. Homeowners, renters and landlords may apply.

  • Lead-based paint
  • Radon
  • Damp and mold growth
  • Electrical hazards
  • Accessibility issues
  • Structural concerns
  • Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products
  • Pests and refuse

Click the buttons below to read about the assistance program and apply.

HHRP Informational Sheet

HHRP Program Application